Feb 08, 2025
Catalog 2024-2025
Mass Transfer Block General Education Requirements
Students interested in fulfilling the MassTransfer Block must complete the following requirements. Additional information is available in this catalog under “Degree and Certificate Requirements,” in the Glossary.
Students may also refer to the current Registration Booklet or see the transfer counselor.
- ANT 101(B) - Cultural Anthropology Credit(s): 3
- ANT 110(B) - Introduction to Anthropology Credit(s): 3
- ANT 114(B) - Understanding Diversity and Valuing Similarities Credit(s): 3
- ANT 150(B) - Topics in Anthropology Credit(s): 3
- ANT 250(B) - Topics in Anthropology Credit(s): 3
- ANT 255(B) - UnNatural Causes: Is Inequality Making Us Sick? Credit(s): 3
- CRJ 117(B) - Criminology Credit(s): 3
- CRJ 200(B) - Contemporary Issues in Criminal Justice Credit(s): 3
- CRJ 208(B) - Juvenile Justice Credit(s): 3
- CRJ 209(B) - Police and Society Credit(s): 3
- CRJ 210(B) - Human Relations: Diversity and Ethical Issues Credit(s): 3
- CRJ 217(B) - Women, Crime, and Justice Credit(s): 3
- ECN 100(B) - Introduction to Economics Credit(s): 3
- ECN 101(B) - Introduction to Macroeconomics Credit(s): 3
- ECN 102(B) - Introduction to Microeconomics Credit(s): 3
- ECN 104(B) - Introduction to Macro AND Micro Economics Credit(s): 6
- ECN 105(B) - Introduction to Political Economy Credit(s): 3
- ECN 150(B) - Topics in Economics Credit(s): 3
- ECN 250(B) - Topics in Economics Credit(s): 3
- EDU 100(B) - Education in America Credit(s): 3
- EDU 104(B) - Child Growth and Development Credit(s): 3
- EDU 113(B) - Children, Families, Schools, and Communities Credit(s): 3
- EDU 202(B) - Culturally Sustaining Practices in Education Credit(s): 3
- GEO 110(B) - World Regional Geography Credit(s): 3
- HON 204(B,C) - Ideas that Change the World Credit(s): 3
- HON 206(B,C,E) - Honors Colloquium Credit(s): 6
- HSV 110(B) - Introduction to the Study of Aging Credit(s): 3
- HSV 120(B) - Introduction to Addiction Studies Credit(s): 3
- HSV 205(B) - Family Violence Credit(s): 3
- HSV 208(B) - Substance Abuse Credit(s): 3
- HSV 212(B) - Group Dynamics and Practice Credit(s): 3
- HTH 102(B) - Introduction to Public Health Credit(s): 3
- POL 110(B) - U.S. National Government Credit(s): 3
- POL 120(B) - State and Local Government Credit(s): 3
- POL 140(B) - Civil Liberties and Civil Rights Credit(s): 3
- POL 150(B) - Topics in Political Science Credit(s): 3
- POL 210(B) - Latinx Politics Credit(s): 3
- POL 230(B) - Topics in Political Science Credit(s): 3
- PSY 110(B) - Introduction to Psychology Credit(s): 3
- PSY 202(B) - Ecopsychology Credit(s): 3
- PSY 203(B) - Human Sexuality Credit(s): 3
- PSY 210(B) - Social Psychology Credit(s): 3
- PSY 215(B) - Child Psychology Credit(s): 3
- PSY 216(B) - Human Development Credit(s): 3
- PSY 217(B) - Abnormal Psychology Credit(s): 3
- PSY 218(B) - Adolescent Psychology Credit(s): 3
- PSY 222(B) - Research Methods in Psychology Credit(s): 4
- PSY 224(B) - Psychology of Women Credit(s): 3
- PSY 226(B) - Health Psychology Credit(s): 3
- PSY 230(B) - Topics in Psychology Credit(s): 3
- PSY 240(B) - Forensic Psychology Credit(s): 3
- PSY 242(B) - Essential Counseling Skills Credit(s): 3
- PSY 260(B) - Personality Credit(s): 3
- PSY 265(B) - Cognitive Psychology Credit(s): 3
- SOC 110(B) - Introduction to Sociology Credit(s): 3
- SOC 130(B) - Intimate Relationships, Marriage, and Family Credit(s): 3
- SOC 150(B) - Topics in Sociology Credit(s): 3
- SOC 208(B) - Substance Abuse Credit(s): 3
- SOC 213(B) - Urban Sociology Credit(s): 3
- SOC 214(B) - Social Problems Credit(s): 3
- SOC 215(B) - Sociology of Sex and Gender Credit(s): 3
- SOC 220(B) - Race and Ethnicity Credit(s): 3
- SOC 235(B) - Sociology of the Family Credit(s): 3
- SOC 250(B) - Topics in Sociology Credit(s): 3
- SSN 104(B) - Soul of a Citizen: Topics in Community Service Learning Credit(s): 3
- SSN 120(B) - Conflict Resolution and Mediation Credit(s): 3
- WST 100(B) - Introduction to Women’s Studies Credit(s): 3
- ART 103(C) - Photography Explorations Credit(s): 3
- ART 104(C) - Introduction to Printmaking Credit(s): 3
- ART 110(C) - Visual Fundamentals Credit(s): 3
- ART 121(C) - Basic Drawing Credit(s): 3
- ART 122(C) - Drawing Composition Credit(s): 3
- ART 125(C) - 2D: Two Dimensional Design Credit(s): 3
- ART 126(C) - 3D: Three Dimensional Design-Sculptural Form Credit(s): 3
- ART 130(C) - Digital Studio Credit(s): 3
- ART 131(C) - History of Art: Prehistory-Gothic Credit(s): 3
- ART 132(C) - History of Art: Renaissance-Modern Credit(s): 3
- ART 140(C) - Basic Still Photography Credit(s): 3
- ART 141(C) - Advanced Photography Credit(s): 3
- ART 145(C) - Critical Survey of Photography Credit(s): 3
- ART 147(C) - Women and Art Credit(s): 3
- ART 148(C) - Introduction to Digital Photography Credit(s): 3
- ART 150(C) - Topics in World Art Credit(s): 3
- ART 151(C) - Topics in American Art Credit(s): 3
- ART 222(C) - Figure Drawing I Credit(s): 3
- ART 225(C) - Great Film Directors Credit(s): 3
- ART 230(C) - Moving Pictures: Art and Artists in Film Credit(s): 3
- ART 231(C) - Painting I Credit(s): 3
- ART 232(C) - Painting II Credit(s): 3
- ART 235(C) - History of Modern Art Credit(s): 3
- ART 241(C) - Sculpture I Credit(s): 3
- ART 250(C) - Topics in Studio Art Credit(s): 3
- ART 253(C) - Printmaking/Relief Credit(s): 3
- ART 254(C) - Printmaking/Intaglio Credit(s): 3
- ART 255(C) - Printmaking/Lithography Credit(s): 3
- ART 261(C) - Ceramics I Credit(s): 3
- ART 262(C) - Ceramics II Credit(s): 3
- ART 274(C) - Alternative Photographic Processes Credit(s): 3
- ASL 101(C) - American Sign Language I Credit(s): 3
- ASL 102(C) - American Sign Language II Credit(s): 3
- ASL 201(C) - American Sign Language III Credit(s): 3
- ASL 202(C) - American Sign Language IV Credit(s): 3
- COM 109(C) - Introduction to Digital Media Credit(s): 3
- COM 117(C) - Interactive Digital Storytelling Credit(s): 3
- COM 121(C) - Introduction to Communication Credit(s): 3
- COM 126(C) - History and Criticism of Film Credit(s): 3
- COM 127(C) - Podcasting Credit(s): 3
- COM 131(C) - Mass Communication Credit(s): 3
- COM 150(C) - Public Speaking Credit(s): 3
- COM 205(C) - Gender and Communication Credit(s): 3
- COM 214(C) - Social Media: More Than Just Friends Credit(s): 3
- COM 217(C) - Intercultural Communication Credit(s): 3
- COM 235(C) - Topics in Communication, Media, and Theater Arts Credit(s): 3
- DFS 101(C) - Introduction to Deaf Studies Credit(s): 3
- DFS 104(C) - Deaf Culture Credit(s): 3
- DFS 108(C) - Deaf History Credit(s): 3
- DFS 205(C) - Deaf Literature Credit(s): 3
- ENG 117(C) - Introduction to Creative Writing Credit(s): 3
- ENG 203(C) - Environmental Literature Credit(s): 3
- ENG 208(C) - Latinx Literature Credit(s): 3
- ENG 211(C) - American Writers I Credit(s): 3
- ENG 212(C) - American Writers II Credit(s): 3
- ENG 214(C) - The Short Story Credit(s): 3
- ENG 217(C) - Creative Writing Credit(s): 3
- ENG 218(C) - Advanced Academic Writing Credit(s): 3
- ENG 224(C) - Children’s Literature Credit(s): 3
- ENG 227(C) - Creative Writing for the Theater Credit(s): 3
- ENG 230(C) - Current Themes in Literature Credit(s): 3
- ENG 231(C) - Creative Nonfiction Credit(s): 3
- ENG 232(C) - Topics in Creative Writing Credit(s): 3
- ENG 235(C) - African-American Literature Credit(s): 3
- ENG 245(C) - Women, Gender, and Sexuality in Literature Credit(s): 3
- ENG 250(C) - The World in Literature Credit(s): 3
- FRH 101(C) - Elementary French I Credit(s): 3
- FRH 102(C) - Elementary French II Credit(s): 3
- FRH 206(C) - Topics in French Credit(s): 3
- HIS 101(C) - History of Western Civilization I Credit(s): 3
- HIS 102(C) - History of Western Civilization II Credit(s): 3
- HIS 103(C) - History of World Civilization I Credit(s): 3
- HIS 104(C) - History of World Civilization II Credit(s): 3
- HIS 105(C) - History of World War II Credit(s): 3
- HIS 107(C) - History of Puerto Rico and the Caribbean Credit(s): 3
- HIS 108(C) - Deaf History Credit(s): 3
- HIS 109(C) - African-American History Credit(s): 3
- HIS 111(C) - History of the United States I Credit(s): 3
- HIS 112(C) - History of the United States II Credit(s): 3
- HIS 114(C) - Immigrant City: Community Organizing in Holyoke Credit(s): 3
- HIS 115(C) - History of Social Justice Movements Credit(s): 3
- HIS 121(C) - History of Animal Advocacy in the United States, 1865-Present Credit(s): 3
- HIS 130(C) - U.S. Women’s History Credit(s): 3
- HIS 150(C) - Topics in History Credit(s): 3
- HIS 162(C) - History of The Civil War Credit(s): 3
- HIS 220(C) - History of the World Since 1900 Credit(s): 3
- HIS 225(C) - American Environmental History Credit(s): 3
- HIS 250(C) - Topics in History Credit(s): 3
- HON 204(B,C) - Ideas that Change the World Credit(s): 3
- HON 206(B,C,E) - Honors Colloquium Credit(s): 6
- HUM 200(C) - Special Topics in Humanities Credit(s): 3
- LAX 107(C) - History of Puerto Rico and the Caribbean Credit(s): 3
- LAX 110(C) - Introduction to Latinx Studies Credit(s): 3
- LAX 208(C) - Latinx Literature Credit(s): 3
- MUS 100(C) - Music Fundamentals Credit(s): 3
- MUS 105(C) - Music Theory I Credit(s): 3
- MUS 106(C) - Introduction to World Music Credit(s): 3
- MUS 107(C) - Music Theory II Credit(s): 3
- MUS 110(C) - Introduction to Classical Music Credit(s): 3
- MUS 126(C) - Rock and Pop Music in America Credit(s): 3
- MUS 140(C) - Introduction to Jazz Credit(s): 3
- MUS 150(C) - Topics in Music Credit(s): 3
- MUS 208(C) - Music Theory III Credit(s): 3
- MUS 209(C) - Music Theory IV Credit(s): 3
- MUS 250(C) - Advanced Topics in Music Credit(s): 3
- MUS 259(C) - Music Literature I Credit(s): 3
- MUS 260(C) - Music Literature II Credit(s): 3
- PHI 100(C) - Mythology Credit(s): 3
- PHI 101(C) - Introduction to Philosophy Credit(s): 3
- PHI 103(C) - Clear Thinking/Sound Reasoning Credit(s): 3
- PHI 110(C) - Comparative Religion Credit(s): 3
- PHI 120(C) - Ethics Credit(s): 3
- PHI 130(C) - Topics in Philosophy Credit(s): 3
- PHI 230(C) - Topics in Philosophy Credit(s): 3
- SPA 101(C) - Elementary Spanish I Credit(s): 3
- SPA 102(C) - Elementary Spanish II Credit(s): 3
- SPA 201(C) - Intermediate Spanish I Credit(s): 3
- SPA 202(C) - Intermediate Spanish II Credit(s): 3
- SPA 203(C) - Spanish for Heritage Speakers I Credit(s): 3
- SPA 209(C) - Introduction to Latin American Cultures and Civilizations Credit(s): 3
- SPA 210(C) - Topics in Spanish Credit(s): 3
- SPA 214(C) - The Spanish Short Story Credit(s): 3
- THE 100(C) - Introduction to Theater Credit(s): 3
- THE 110(C) - Fundamentals of Acting Credit(s): 3
- THE 124(C) - Stagecraft: Construction and Technology Credit(s): 4
- THE 125(C) - Stagecraft: Fundamentals of Design for Theater Credit(s): 4
- THE 220(C) - Script Analysis Credit(s): 3
- THE 227(C) - Creative Writing for the Theater Credit(s): 3
- THE 235(C) - Topics in Communication, Media, and Theater Arts Credit(s): 3